Today (6.2.2022) I started to put together HUMAN ERROR- exhibition collection - “One of the funniest philatelic subjects!”

Decades ago, I began to learn about philately around the world through the mistakes in stamps. I believed there were a few hundred of them, but I was completely wrong. I found thousands of different human errors such as the picture may be from the wrong subject, maps may show wrong borders, the inscription may be factually wrong, the text may be misspelled, etc.

This allowed me to expand my knowledge of the many different “stamp countries” and their history, I would not otherwise have been interested in.

Surprisingly, finding the bugs was quite rewarding and the collection of pages started to accumulate first dozens and then hundreds, and now there are almost 2,000 of them. It is now time to build the first exhibition of them, focusing on human rather than technical errors. My goal is to build a unified set of 5-7 frames, i.e. about 120 collections of pages. Since all the material already exist, I would think I will complete this task by the 2025.

I will gladly take all available assistance in building this collection, so if you or your friends have information or tips on this subject, please get in touch.


NEW / Thurn und Taxis 1852-1866


Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia 1815-1866